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Avenues to Explore a Successful Supply Agreement

Dmitrius Garcia
September 13, 2023

One aspect that has potential to add significant value to a divestment or acquisition is a mutually beneficial supply agreement.  This can be a positive for the incoming company because of the long ramp up times to inception for a new company. Having a supply agreement in place limits cash burn and adds stable income for a determined period of time.  For the divesting company, there’s comfort in having your product produced to the same standard, and on the same equipment, in the event that they are moving to a contract manufacturer.

Things to explore from either party:

Level of detail:

Terms and Conditions:

Terms of Payment:

Legal Examination and Compliance

In conclusion, there are numerous steps and considerations when evaluating M&A, Carve-out, or divestment opportunities.  FabExchange can help explore these options as an advisor to your future restructuring needs.  Please reach out and contact us for more information.